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Scientific impact

The best kind of scientific paper is one that really makes one think. A recent paper in the New England Journal of Medicine from Jo Proietto’s group in Melbourne does just that. As an individual who has lost a lot… Read More »Scientific impact

Thanks Ted

I note with sadness the death of Dr Ted Bollard FRSNZ CBE at the age of 91. Ted was one of the giants of our small science system. He was one of the key figures in building New Zealand’s science… Read More »Thanks Ted


In the last week I have had a number of requests from the press asking for my comments on proposals for the development of the science and innovation system emanating in recent days from political parties. It is important that… Read More »Boundaries

Lessons from the 18th century

While I was in Germany, I met again with Professor Dr Helmut Schwarz, President of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, which supports a very large international scientific exchange programme with Germany. Helmut kindly presented me with Botting’s biography of Alexander… Read More »Lessons from the 18th century

Speaking in Auckland

Returning to New Zealand, the next night I found that I was faced with a speech to Beca’s leadership conference in Auckland—there were about 200 engineers and other professionals present. Beca is one of the success stories of New Zealand’s… Read More »Speaking in Auckland

Coffee and apple strudel

My academic meeting in Vienna had been on various perspectives on fetal and childhood growth and development. I was one of the chairs of the meeting, and its distinctive feature was its focus on an interdisciplinary approach. The research agenda… Read More »Coffee and apple strudel

Science in Europe

Welcome CSAN – the Commonwealth Science Advisory Network – draws on the collective experience of 31 Commonwealth nations in bringing science into policy to address global challenges. The content in this website is available only to CSAN members. Members’ login… Read More »Science in Europe


I have started this blog because it seems almost negligent for a person charged with promoting science awareness not to use the current fashion in communication. I realise there is much that my office undertakes that remains unseen through more… Read More »Welcome