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On marching for science

PD Gluckman   On April 22, 2017 scientists in many countries, including New Zealand, will ‘march for science’. This unprecedented initiative has been received with some considerable ambivalence. It has been prompted and promoted in the USA as an understandable… Read More »On marching for science

Mapping the road ahead for conservation and environmental science

Peter Gluckman   Recently the first Conservation and Environment Science Roadmap was released ( This is the culmination of more than a year’s work by many people. The Roadmap originated in discussions with ministers where it became apparent that despite… Read More »Mapping the road ahead for conservation and environmental science

Sir Peter Gluckman Blog: Knowledge, values and worldviews: implications for science communication

I am prompted to write this essay having read a recent article published three weeks ago in Nature Climate Change by Shi et al ( Though I don’t often comment on a single study, I think this study may have… Read More »Sir Peter Gluckman Blog: Knowledge, values and worldviews: implications for science communication