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Speeches 2009 – 13

December 2013

12 December 2013

New Zealand’s Changing Climate and Oceans, Speech for Auckland Conversations.

A video of the speech is available on the Auckland Conversations website.

7 December 2013

Graduation Address, University of Otago by Sir Peter Gluckman

4 December 2013

Prime Minister”s Science Advisor comments on PISA – reinforcesthe need to progress on several fronts (412 kb)

November 2013

27 November 2013

An Encouraging Response to Science and Society Challenge (410 kb)

August 2013

1 August 2013

Media release: NZ’s Changing Climate and Oceans report (106 kb)

July 2013

4 July 2013

Media release: NZ’s Changing Climate and Oceans report (106 kb)

May 2013

3 May 2013

PPT presentation: Sir Peter Gluckman’s National Science Challenges presentation at the University of Otago (1.09 mb)

3 May 2013

Speech: Sir Peter Gluckman’s remarks at National Science Challenges announcement (131 kb)

April 2013

4 April 2013

Media release: Interpreting science (74 kb)

3 April 2013

Sir Peter Gluckman’s speech to the 2013 Conference of the New Zealand Association of Scientists on The value of science:Speech notes (244 kb) |

Audio recording courtesy of Science Media Centre (25′ 37″)

March 2013

5 March 2013

Sir Peter Gluckman’s speech at EU Science: Global Challenges and Global Collaboration Conference on Towards a global health science policy (178 kb)

5 March 2013

Sir Peter Gluckman’s remarks at the opening plenary session of the European Union Global Challenges and Global Collaboration Conference (173 kb)

4 March 2013

Sir Peter Gluckman’s speech at the NZ Mission to the European Community on Doing More with Less: Defining Strategic Priorities in a Small Advanced Economy – Sir Peter Gluckman and David Skilling (45 kb)

February 2013

21 February 2013

Sir Peter Gluckman’s speech to IPANZ on Communicating and using evidence in policy formation: the use and misuse of science (190 kb)

20 February 2013

Sir Peter Gluckman’s speech to the Families Commission on the Impact of the technological world on adolescent health and behaviour (40′ 09″; video courtesy of the Families Commission)

January 2013

31 January 2013

Media release: Sir Peter Gluckman: We need clever people doing intellectually risky research (76 kb)

August 2012

28 August 2012

Sir Peter Gluckman’s speech at the University of Otago (Wellington)’s Dean’s Public Lecture Series, on Setting Priorities for Science (185 kb)
» YouTube video courtesy of UOW (58’51”)

24 August 2012

Sir Peter Gluckman’s speech at the presentation of his report on Science and New Zealand’s Future to the Prime Minister (151 kb)

22 August 2012

Media release: The importance of science-based approaches for good environmental outcomes (81 kb)

22 August 2012

Sir Peter Gluckman’s speech at the Hauraki Gulf Marine Park Seminar on Bringing science & policy together for good environmental outcomes (197 kb)

21 August 2012

Media release: Government report on Building Innovation (99 kb)

June 2012

14 June 2012

Sir Peter Gluckman’s speech on Transit to a better New Zealand – the role of science at ‘The Transit of Venus Lecture Series, Paradise Regained’, Museum of New Zealand/Te Papa Tongarewa:

Speech notes (187 kb)

Audio – broadcast 22 July for the Royal Society/Radio NZ’s Talking Heads series, with introduction by Kim Hill (45′ 02″)

7 June 2012

Dr Stephen Goldson’s remarks at Session 3 (How can we use and manage our resources?) of the Transit of Venus forum (122 kb)

7 June 2012

Sir Peter Gluckman’s introductory remarks at Session 1 (Science and prosperity) of the Transit of Venus Forum (105 kb)

7 June 2012

Sir Peter Gluckman’s opening speech at Transit of Venus Forum (119 kb)

May 2012

2 May 2012

Sir Peter Gluckman’s graduation address at the University of Auckland’s Faculty of Science autumn graduation ceremony (98 kb)

April 2012

24 April 2012

Sir Peter Gluckman’s public lecture at the University of Otago, Dunedin, on Setting Priorities For Science (163 kb)

12 April 2012

Sir Peter Gluckman’s keynote address at the Science in the city open day and exhibition

4 April 2012

Sir Peter Gluckman’s presentation on Evidence-based social policy at the University of Auckland/UniServices Youth Health & Wellbeing Symposium (see S3_3) (110 mb)

4 April 2012

Media release: Prime Minister’s youth mental health package is an exemplar of how to use expert advice in policy formation (94 kb)

March 2012

24 March 2012

Media release: Sir Peter Gluckman on the death of Sir Paul Callaghan FRS FRSNZ (92 kb)

24 March 2012

Media release: Sir Peter Gluckman on the death of Sir Paul Callaghan FRS FRSNZ (92 kb)

23 March 2012

Media release: New Zealand science – well regarded but could do better (90 kb)

23 March 2012

Speech notes for Sir Peter Gluckman’s speech at the launch of the Growing Up in New Zealand report, ‘Now We Are Born’ (168 kb)

21 March 2012

Speech notes for Sir Peter Gluckman’s speech at the opening of Nextspace’s new premises in Wynyard Quarter (188 kb)

15 March 2012

Media release: Ministry of Science and Innovation (86 kb)

3 March 2012

Speech notes for Sir Peter Gluckman’s address at the Bluegreens Forum 2012 (191 kb)

February 2012

27 February 2012

Speech notes for Sir Peter Gluckman’s keynote address at the Auckland War Memorial Museum’s 2012 research & scholarship medals ceremony (201 kb)

24 February 2012

Speech notes: Too much complexity: climate change and other ecosystem challenges for the policy maker and scientist — Ottawa Museum of Natural History, Canada (249 kb)

January 2012

27 January 2012

Sir Peter Gluckman’s opening speech at the Rotary National Science & Technology Forum dinner (175 kb)

24 January 2012

Speech notes for Sir Peter Gluckman’s guest lecture at the Wolfson Research Institute, Durham University — Communicating complex and post-normal science to the policy maker and the public – lessons from New Zealand (193 kb)

December 2011

5 December 2011

Sir Peter Gluckman’s speech at Auckland Conversations (156 kb)

August 2011

17 August 2011

Sir Peter Gluckman speech at the Centre for Longitudinal Research, The University of Auckland (171 kb)

July 2011

27 July 2011

Sir Peter Gluckman’s speech notes (99 kb) at the launch of the Green Paper for Vulnerable Children (From; 608 kb)

22 July 2011

Sir Peter Gluckman speech at Otago winter lecture series,Christchurch (198 kb)

20 July 2011

Sir Peter Gluckman speech to the New Zealand Agricultural and Horticultural Outlook Summit, Wellington (142 kb)

June 2011

26 June 2011

Dr Stephen Goldson’s speech at the MFAT Foreign Policy School, University of Otago (221 kb)

22 June 2011

Sir Peter Gluckman speech to the Centre for Educational Leadership at the University of Auckland (198 kb)

1 June 2011

Sir Peter Gluckman’s address to the Institute of Public Administration New Zealand/Institute of Policy Studies (262 kb)

May 2011

5 May 2011

Speech by Dr Stephen Goldson, Strategy Advisor to the Office, at the MAF Policy, Science and Economics conference (163 kb)

April 2011

26 April 2011

Sir Peter Gluckman’s speech to the Global Science Leaders Forum, Taipei (84 kb)

11 April 2011

Media release: Advancing New Zealand through better use of evidence in policy formation (91 kb)

March 2011

31 March 2011

Media release: The launch of Looking Ahead: Science Education for the Twenty-First Century (100 kb)

21 March 2011

Dr Stephen Goldson’s opening plenary at the 7th Annual NZBIO Conference (244 kb)

16 March 2011

Sir Peter Gluckman’s introductory statement at a joint PMCSA & RSNZ press conference about the Christchurch earthquakes and the scientific response (89.8 kb)

16 March 2011

Media release: Earthquake information paper looks at earthquake prediction and future earthquake risks for Christchurch and New Zealand (97 kb)

February 2011

22 February 2011

Sir Peter Gluckman’s speech at at the 1st Annual Meeting of the New Zealand Greenhouse Gas Research Centre, Palmerston North (115 kb)

22 February 2011

Media release: Science “globalization” is the future (100 kb)

21 February 2011

Media release: Scientists and the media must work together to engage the public with the complexities of science (88 kb)

21 February 2011

Sir Peter Gluckman’s speech at the Science Communicator’s Association of New Zealand conference (127 kb)

December 2010

7 December 2010

Sir Peter Gluckman’s speech at the OECD’s Symposium and workshop 2010 (199 kb)

6 December 2010

Sir Peter Gluckman’s opening address at NIWA’s ‘Degrees of Possibility; igniting social knowledge around climate change’ workshop (189 kb)

3 December 2010

Sir Peter Gluckman’s speech at the conference of the NZ Society for Sustainability Engineering and Science, Auckland (203 kb)

November 2010

30 November 2010

Sir Peter Gluckman’s opening address at the 2010 Medical Sciences Congress in Queenstown – 30 November 2010 (209 kb)

17 November 2010

Sir Peter Gluckman’s speech Maurice Wilkins Centre “Future Science” day (205 kb)

2 November 2010

Dr Stephen Goldson’s speech at RunningHot! 2010 conference, Wellington (189 kb)

October 2010

21 October 2010

Sir Peter Gluckman’s speech at the New Zealand Association of Scientist’s conference, Wellington (163 kb)

September 2010

29 September 2010

Sir Peter Gluckman’s address to the Capitalising on Research & Development Action Group (CRAG), Dunedin (163 kb)

22 September 2010

Dr Stephen Goldson’s speech at Water NZ’s annual conference in Christchurch (226 kb)

September 2010

Sir Peter Gluckman’s report on his first year as the Prime Minister’s Chief Science Advisor (142 kb)

August 2010

24 August 2010

Sir Peter Gluckman’s speech ‘Science and Innovation’ at the 2010 Bayer Innovators Awards, in association with the National Business Review (150 kb)

July 2010

1 July 2010

Media release: Release of interim report on improving the transition through adolescence (90 kb)

June 2010

9 June 2010

Sir Peter Gluckman’s speech Integrity in Science: Implications from and for the Climate Change Debate at Victoria University of Wellington (312 kb)

May 2010

18 May 2010

Media release: Report on Improving the transition: Reducing social and psychological morbidity during adolescence (118 kb)

6 May 2010

Sir Peter Gluckman’s speech ‘Medical, life sciences and social sciences research: how they should be contributing to New Zealand’s development’ AMRF Autumn Public Lecture (205 kb)

4 May 2010

Sir Peter Gluckman’s speech at MAF Conference (166 kb)

April 2010

21 April 2010

Sir Peter Gluckman’s speech at A J Park 2010 IP Roundtable (171 kb)

21 April 2010

Sir Peter Gluckman’s public lecture “The New Zealand Science System – into a brave new world” 21 April 2010, Auckland (217 kb)

19 April 2010

Sir Peter Gluckman’s speech at The Institute of Director’s Auckland branch meeting (153 kb)

14 April 2010

Sir Peter Gluckman’s speech at the Riddet Agri-food summit, Wellington (162 kb)

12 April 2010

Sir Peter Gluckman’s speech at Employers & Manufacturers Association (EMA) (154 kb)

7 April 2010

Sir Peter Gluckman delivered opening comments at the first Meeting of the Global Research Alliance on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases in Wellington on 7 April 2010 (113 kb)

November 2009

26 November 2009

Sir Peter Gluckman’s public lecture – The evolution of science – where is New Zealand going? (729 kb)

26 November 2009

Speech Notes – Dr Stephen Goldson’s Federated Farmers speech (203 kb)

26 November 2009

Speech Notes – Sir Peter Gluckman’s Otago University public lecture (489 kb)

October 2009

29 October 2009

Media release: How publicly funded research can drive economic growth (175 kb)

September 2009

30 September 2009

Sir Peter Gluckman’s speech – Massey University Research Awards Programme (159 kb)

30 September 2009

Sir Peter Gluckman speech notes — Lincoln University / University of Canterbury (144 kb)

30 September 2009

Sir Peter Gluckman’s speech notes — Victoria University of Wellingon (160 kb)

August 2009

22 August 2009

Speech notes — Australia New Zealand Leadership Forum (91 kb)

12 August 2009

Speech notes — AgResearch (187 kb). For a video copy of Peter Gluckman’s speech, please email the Office.

July 2009

17 July 2009

Speech Notes — Massey University (132 kb)

16 July 2009

Media release: Science community needs to wake up—PM’s Chief Science Advisor (92 kb)